Face Lift Aesthetics

Since our face is the most important organ that enables us to communicate with the outside world, the aging of this area is of particular importance compared to the whole body. The aging process that every living person naturally encounters concerns not only the skin, but also fatty tissues, connective tissues and even bones. Changes seen in the skin with aging are observed as drying, loss of elasticity of the skin, thinning of the skin due to decreased collagen support. Fat tissue shows a significant decrease, especially in the upper face and temple areas. Similarly, with aging, bone loss occurs in the bones around the eyes and especially in the front part of the upper jaw. Changes in all these tissues lead to transverse wrinkles in the forehead, crow’s feet wrinkles, under-eye hollows becoming more prominent, tear troughs, deepening of sadness lines at the edges of the nose, fine wrinkles appearing around the lips and elongation of the upper lip, decreasing fullness of the mid-face and cheekbones. It causes flattening in the areas and sagging in the mid-face and chin area. A young and beautiful face can be compared to an egg with its pointy side down. Over time, this balance changes to the opposite state, where the upper parts of the face are narrower and the lower parts are wider.

Face lift is the general name given to the surgical treatment of these changes that occur as a result of aging. During this procedure, excess skin is removed, sagging and loosened underlying tissues are returned to their previous places, and volume losses, especially in the mid-face area, are corrected with fat fillers. As a result, you are aimed to achieve a tighter, livelier appearance. Naturally, this makes you look younger. The target of this process is your younger self. Its permanence is as follows; for example, if you have this surgery at the age of 50, you will start to look like you are 40 years old, and the 10-year difference always continues.

How is face lift surgery performed?
Apart from face lift tape and non-surgical, injection procedures, surgical face lift is also possible. If the person applies due to necessity and / or aesthetic dissatisfaction, and as a result of the examination performed by the specialist physician, deformations such as loosening and sagging of the skin are detected, it is not very difficult to eliminate these problems with face lift surgery. With the developing technology, both the decreasing costs of such operations and the acceleration of the surgery and post-operative process increase the preferences in this direction. When planning the surgery, we first look at the patient’s youth photographs to determine how aging occurs, where and in what direction the deformation occurs on the face.

There is a common belief that only the skin is tightened with facelift surgery. However, this is not true. With a surgery that will yield accurate and successful results, not only the skin but all skin layers are shaped three-dimensionally. Through the incision made on the skin, the connective tissues under the skin, the facial muscles and the loosened tissues downwards are intervened. By touching these deep tissues under the skin, loosened and sagging elements are moved to places where they should be on a normal face and existing disorders are eliminated. One of the main questions that comes to mind regarding face lift surgeries is whether there will be any scars after the surgery. Since facelift surgery is performed with endoscopic methods, with small incisions of 1 to 2 millimeters, leaving the hair inside, there is no scarring. In classical methods, these incisions are located in front and behind the ear and are placed between the natural lines of the face, so they heal over time and become invisible.

It is extremely possible to achieve 5 to 10 years of rejuvenation on the patient’s face with face lift surgery performed with proper planning. The permanence of the effects of such surgeries performed in competent hands is definitely longer than face lift tape and other methods. Although it is possible to pronounce this permanence period as 10 years under normal circumstances, it is worth underlining that the main determinant of the duration is the person’s living conditions.