
What is Labioplasty?
It is simply the surgical repair of the labia major (outer lip), also known as the labia majora of the vagina, or the labia minor (inner lip), located just below the outer lips. The labia minora, that is, the inner lips, are constantly moist structures that do not contain fat or hair cells, are not visible from the outside because they are located under the labium major, are rich in blood vessels and nerve endings. There are two inner lips and they fold and join in the form of a pleat on the clitoris. Anatomically, the outer lips cover the inner lips, that is, the inner lips are not noticeable from outside because they are located under the outer lips.

When labiaplasty is mentioned, what is usually meant is the removal of defects related to the inner lips rather than the outer lips. The labia minora being larger than normal or sagging due to various reasons is one of the most common genital aesthetic problems. During labiaplasty, excess tissue from overgrown or sagging inner lips is removed by the specialist physician and the labia are reshaped.

To whom can labiaplasty be applied?
It can be applied if the sagging of the vaginal inner lips has reached a level that negatively affects the person’s quality of life or when labiaplasty becomes a medical necessity. If the physician deems it appropriate, it can be applied to adult women of any age who do not have any other disease that prevents surgical intervention. While it can be applied for sagging that has formed after birth, women who have never given birth can also be candidates for labiaplasty as an examination to regain their self-confidence.

How and where is labiaplasty performed?
Labioplasty is a procedure where sterility is important and should only be performed by a specialist physician in a hospital environment. First of all, your specialist will evaluate whether you are a suitable candidate for labiaplasty. If you are deemed suitable, your physician will inform you about the details of the procedure and what to do after the procedure. For the procedure that is usually performed under local anesthesia, your physician may sometimes deem general anesthesia appropriate. Although the surgery time varies from patient to patient, it is approximately 30-60 minutes. Since anesthesia is applied during the procedure, no pain is felt.